Near Infrared Light Reduces Inflammation via TLR4 In Vitro

In this video, Dr. Seheult of MedCram discusses how near infrared light can reduce inflammation in a pathway that is used by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.  He discusses an article that analyzes how infrared light may reduce theTLR-4 dependent inflammatory response pathway and perhaps mitigate the cytokine response that is evoked by the innate immune system.

Can sunlight neutralize the spike protein on SARS-CoV-2?

The question is, could sunlight actually neutralize a component of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the spike protein? MedCram recently did a video discussing how the TLR-4 receptors were implicated in the inflammatory response seen in cardiac cells.  It was felt that the TLR-4 receptor protein, which is found on the surface of cells, was the nitus for attracting natural killer cells and instigating an inflammatory response that was independent of the ACE2 receptor. 

Infrared light

It is exciting news that there may be something that could ramp down the TLR-4 dependent inflammatory response pathway. MedCram has discussed the usage of light previously to help with medical issues in this video. This current MedCram video discusses how near infrared radiation actually puts the brakes on the inflammation created by the TLR-4 receptors.  Infrared light makes up the bulk of the energy coming from the sun. It is a low frequency energy that can penetrate into the skin and into the subcutaneous tissue and can be perceived as heat. Some articles have shown that it can penetrate up to 8 cm deep into the body. In fact, even with the brain, sunlight can penetrate the bone and stimulate the gray matter of the  brain.  Outdoors, the leaves and trees can reflect the infrared light.

TLR-4 receptor pathway

This paper tries to see if infrared light can block the mediation of the TLR-4 pathway.  The scientists took HEK293 cells which use the TLR-4 pathway. LPS, a component of bacteria that can stimulate the innate immune system, was used to trigger the TLR-4 pathway. The prior paper showed that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein too can induce this pathway. When they gave near infrared light to the HEK293 cells, it was able to block the TLR-4 activation and prevent it from going to the nucleus and causing transcription of the inflammatory markers that will set off the inflammatory cascade. The authors are suggesting that perhaps in the future, COVID-19 patients, could have infrared light applied to their chest to see if there is any improvement as part of future research.

Benefit of sunlight

There is evidence that getting sunlight and exposure to near infrared light may be of significant benefit with little negative side effects. A 100 years ago, people were getting more sunlight compared to today’s society. Today people are spending less time outside overall. The windows we use in buildings now have become more efficient at blocking near infrared and the lights we use now have little to no infrared light associated with them.   All of these changes have led to less exposure to infrared light. 

It may be time to start looking at the benefits of getting outside and getting sunlight and how it may improve your health. 


Infrared light therapy relieves TLR-4 dependent hyper-inflammation of the type induced by COVID-19 (Communicative & Integrative Biology) |…

The Case for Sunlight in COVID 19 Patients: Oxidative Stress (MedCram) |

Sunlight: Optimize Health and Immunity (Light Therapy and Melatonin) (MedCram) |

SARS-CoV2 Spike Protein Expression in Mice Causes Damage via Innate Immune System (MedCram) |

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