Recently, we posted a new video on and our YouTube channel, presenting a case study on asthma exacerbation (asthma attacks). Check out the video above as Dr. Seheult walks through a realistic patient scenario to teach about treatment options, problem solving, and underlying mechanisms of the patient’s symptoms.
Asthma Exacerbation Diagnosis
In this case study, Dr. Seheult talks about treating a 25-year-old patient who is four months postpartum and admitted for shortness of breath. He discusses the use of nebulizers, steroids, and oxygen, as well as BiPAP when her condition fails to improve.
Flow Rates and Dynamic Hyperinflation
Due to the patient’s asthma diagnosis, her small airways are inflamed and constricted , reducing flow rates on exhalation. Dr. Seheult discusses muscarinic and beta receptors, controlling muscular contraction and relaxation, respectively. He talks about muscarinic antagonist medications and beta agonist medications which, in turn, open airways and facilitate exhalation.
As our patient gets worse, Dr. Seheult notices a drop in blood pressure and concerns around dynamic hyperinflation (DHI), in which the lungs gradually over-inflate due to an imbalance in the amount of air inhaled — or provided via the ventilator — and the amount of air exhaled. At this point, it is critical to remove the ventilator, allowing appropriate time for enough air to come out of the lungs to avoid serious injury and/or death.
Go to for Part Two!
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