In this latest video from MedCram, Dr. Seheult, discusses a case study of a patient who was hospitalized with COVID-19 and how sunlight treatment impacted his outcome. Dr. Seheult discusses how when the pandemic first started, he was searching for answers on how to save his patients. MedCram created multiple videos dating back to 2020 discussing the role of vitamin D in COVID 19 and how people with higher vitamin D levels seem to do better if they contracted COVID 19. Dr. Seheult states he then realized that vitamin D as a substrate is not enough. He made the light as medicine and the case for sunlight in COVID-19 videos. He discussed how near infrared radiation exposure from sunlight makes an impact on the mitochondria and subsequent oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. In August 2022 another video on infrared light neutralizing spike toxicity was also released and again discussed further studies on how sunlight exposure can affect COVID 19 infections. The final article that impacted Dr. Seheult was from the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology on how cardiopulmonary and hematologic effects of infrared LED photobiomodulation in the treatment of SARS–CoV2. These patients received near infrared radiation via a jacket they wore and had good outcomes. This article was published in December 2022 and Medcram published its infrared light improves COVID-19 outcomes in January 2023 video. In reviewing the progression of COVID-19 hospitalizations, Dr. Seheult notes that he has not seen many severe infections since 2022 as the numbers have tapered off quite a bit. However, he was surprised when he was called to evaluate a patient that had moderate to severe COVID-19 symptoms in the hospital just recently.
Case study
This patient had been hospitalized at a different hospital for an orthopedic issue and had a contracted COVID-19 there. The patient was started on dexamethasone; however, he was not able to tolerate it so it was stopped. He was discharged from the hospital seven days later. He went home. Four days later the patient returned to Dr. Seheult’s hospital and at that time was now requiring 4 L of oxygen via nasal cannula. By the next day the patient was requiring 10 L of oxygen via oxymizer. Patient had been started on Solu-Medrol and azithromycin. Within two days,the patient had even higher oxygen requirements and was up to 35 liters at 100% on high flow oxygen. This patient had been vaccinated and boosted. This is a good reminder to let you know that no intervention is 100% guaranteed. Dr. Seheult decided that if he was going to do any other intervention on this patient it was to try and get him out into the sunlight. He discussed this with the patient who was agreeable to it and made arrangements with the nursing and respiratory staff to transport the patient outside into the sunlight. The patient was able to spend 20 minutes outside the sunlight. The next day the patient had a decrease in his oxygen requirements down to 15 L via oxymizer. From that point onward there was a steady decline in his oxygen requirements up until five days later when the patient was able to be discharged.
A couple of points to make with this video is that this is anecdotal evidence. This for Dr. Seheult was a proof of concept with all of the theory that had been discussed in these prior videos coming to fruition with this one patient. Dr. Seheult has followed up with the patient since discharge and the patient is still not requiring any additional oxygen at this time. As a note to point out that this concept is not a new concept and that the idea of using sunlight and infrared radiation in curing ailments has been used for a long time. But in modern medicine we have gone away from this concept. This was usually done before the discovery of antibiotics in 1928 as there were little medications that could be offered for treatments.
There is still much more research and investigation to be done on this topic. However in Dr. Seheult’s opinion, given that sunlight is easily available and is free, it is something to definitely consider adding more of into your life.
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photobiomodulation in the treatment of SARS-COV2 (Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology) |…
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History (Sunshine Health Foundation) | https://www.sunshinehealthfoundation….
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