COVID-19 Video Updates, 84-86


We’ve added three new videos to our ongoing COVID-19 lecture series. The newest videos focus on concepts to know and questions to ask if you or a loved one is treated for the novel coronavirus. In addition, Dr. Seheult talks about the latest research and information on medications and treatments, as well as testing data and daily deaths worldwide. Check out these videos and all other COVID-19 lectures at!


Key Questions to Ask if in the Hospital for COVID-19, Part 1

In our 84th pandemic update video, Dr. Seheult offers insight on what to ask if you or a loved one is admitted to the hospital for COVID-19. He explains the differences between med surg,  telemetry, and intensive care units. He illustrates the different ways to receive supplemental oxygen and defines FIO2, paO2, SpO2, and P/F ratios, which help categorize the severity of ARDS in patients with COVID-19. Moreover, Dr. Seheult describes the benefits of prone positioning (laying on the stomach), which uses gravity to take blood and fluid away from the largest, most aerated parts of the lungs.


Dexamethasone and Key Questions to Ask if in The Hospital, Part 2

In our 85th COVID-19 pandemic update, Dr. Seheult continues the conversation on navigating treatment and hospitalization for COVID-19. He also talks about dexamethasone and the evidence that it may speed recovery and reduce mortality recovery for patients receiving oxygen and on ventilators (compared to standard of care). Dr. Seheult then walks through research and mechanisms of current COVID-19 treatments and medications, including Remdesivir, Tocilizumab, and convalescent plasma, as well as zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, and n-acetylcysteine (NAC). Lastly, Dr. Seheult discusses “Do Not Resuscitate,” or DNR, status and important decisions to be made early in the treatment process.


COVID-19 Testing and Cases Increasing but Daily Deaths Decreasing

In MedCram’s 86th video update on COVID-19, Dr. Seheult focuses on testing data, explaining common inconsistencies and trends around the world. To better understand what testing prevalence looks like where you live, please check out this portion of the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 tracker. Dr. Seheult also has some promising news from the WHO on pre-peer-review dexamethasone research, the corticosteroid medication he discussed in video update 85. 


Stay Tuned for More COVID-19 Updates 

Our COVID-19 videos are always available and free (and ad-free) at In addition, check out our full library of courses and lectures on subjects ranging from CT Scans to CBC Results Explained Clearly and many more!

Meanwhile, here’s a list of all the COVID-19 resources we’ve shared so far:

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